A Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit About Other People’s Property

A TorahTutors student recently engaged in some comparative character study, by learning Rashi’s explanation of two different incidents about two different people and their attitudes towards others’ property. In the first, Rashi cites a midrashic explanation for the quarrels between Avraham’s and Lot’s shepherds in Bereishit 13:7. Noting the seemingly irrelevant statement, in the same…


A Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit About Grammar and Character

Here’s today’s Tuesday TorahTutors tidbit – real Torah, from real TorahTutors sessions. A TorahTutors student looking to learn Chumash content as well as boost her Hebrew language skills saw how paying attention to grammatical details, as basic as identifying pronouns and who is doing what action, can shed important light on the story. When the…


A TuesdayTorahTutorsTidbit About Divisions: In Text, and in Traditions

For this week’s Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit, a tutor describes an important teaching moment that occurred in a real TorahTutors session: In the course of studying Tanach, we discussed a pasuk (verse) that concludes the story we were learning. My student interjected and asked how this pasuk can conclude the story, seeing as it is actually the…
