A Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit About Teaching Our Children Well (For the Future)

It’s Tuesday, Pesach is coming, and we’ve got just the #TuesdayTorahTutorsTidbit you were waiting for! #RealTorah from #realTorahTutorssessions. A TorahTutors student learning the book of Shemot explored several repeated themes in the story of the Exodus, especially in chapter 13. One of those themes is the idea of telling our children about what happened: telling…


More Thoughts for Purim: Turning a New Page in Our Own Lives and Learning, and Overturning Decrees

On Purim, we celebrate how Haman’s plans were overturned and the Jews of ancient Persia reversed: he was hung on the gallows he’d build for Mordechai, and the Jewish people overcame the enemies who had seemed certain to eradicate them. This year, may everything we need to reverse, be as completely overturned – on a…
