A Throwback Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit About Rain, Prayer, and the Larger Community

Beginning with Maariv on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 v’tein tal u’matar livracha replaces v’tein bracha in the blessing of Bareich Aleinu in the Shemoneh Esrei. This marks the transition from simply mentioning God’s power to bestow rain (which we do beginning on Shemini Atzeret) to actually asking Him for it. We wanted to take the…


A TorahTutors Testimonial from Someone Who Never Planned to Stay with Us

Sometimes we work with schools to support students who are currently enrolled. And sometimes – especially, but not only, in the aftermath of Covid-19 lockdowns – people come to us to prepare their children for (re)joining a brick-and-mortar Jewish school. Confidence and skills are such important pieces of that process, and we are so gratified to help our…
