A Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit About the Rise of Egyptian Slavery

Time for a Tuesday TorahTutors tidbit: real Torah, from real TorahTutors sessions. A TorahTutors student learning the beginning of Shemot noticed that the multiple verbs describing how the Israelites increased and spread throughout Egypt convey an impression that they were felt to be intruding – though they had already been settled in the land, welcomed…


A Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit About Conversation Skills from the Mishna

A TorahTutors student learned a Mishna in Pirkei Avot (5:7) with clear relevance to daily communication skills. The Mishna says that a wise person: doesn’t answer on behalf of someone older or wiser doesn’t interrupt when someone else is speaking thinks before they answer asks relevant questions and answers accordingly responds in an orderly manner…


A Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit About Other People’s Property

A TorahTutors student recently engaged in some comparative character study, by learning Rashi’s explanation of two different incidents about two different people and their attitudes towards others’ property. In the first, Rashi cites a midrashic explanation for the quarrels between Avraham’s and Lot’s shepherds in Bereishit 13:7. Noting the seemingly irrelevant statement, in the same…
