Studying History – A parsha post by tutor Rabbi Dr. Stuart Fischman
In a bit of a departure, today’s #TuesdayTorahTutorsTidbit is not real Torah, from real TorahTutors sessions, but it is real Torah, about TorahTutors sessions – and about Yom Kippur, about the new year, and about looking both backward and forward. In Parshat Nitzavim, which was read a few weeks ago, Moshe encourages the Jewish people…
We at want to wish all our students, teachers, and friends – past, present, and future – a very happy and healthy new year. We’re grateful for all we’ve accomplished together and look forward to learning together in the new year!
Time for a Tuesday TorahTutors tidbit: Real Torah, from real TorahTutors sessions… getting ready for a real(ly) big day. The biggest of four big days, in a sense. Did you think there was just one Day of Judgment? A TorahTutors student learned that the Mishna in Rosh Hashana (1:2) lists four: On Pesach, judgment is…
Time for a Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit: real Torah, from real TorahTutors sessions… and even, from a real TorahTutors student. A teenage TorahTutors student was exploring the text of Eichah and had a beautiful insight. Towards the end of Eichah Chapter 3, the topic turns to repentance: “Let us search and examine our ways and turn…
Time for a Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit; real Torah, from real TorahTutors sessions. A TorahTutors student encountered some overlap between halachic complexity and biblical narrative. II Shmuel Chapter 20 tells of Sheva ben Bichri’s rebellion against King David. When David’s agents caught up with him, they besieged the city he was in and began battering the…