A Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit About Kindness in the Book of Ruth

It’s Tuesday and almost Shavuot, which means it’s a great time for a #TuesdayTorahTutorsTidbit about Megillat Rut.Real Torah, from real TorahTutors sessions. A preteen TorahTutors student has been delving into Megillat Rut with her tutor.They noticed many examples of chesed (kindness), a central theme in the Megillah that is one of the reasons offered for…

A Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit About Multiple Interpretations

A TorahTutors student working on Hebrew language learned that the word ???? (mimenu) can have different meanings. First, the prefix might mean “from” or it could be comparative, implying “more than” or “less than.” To further complicate matters, the suffix might be singular third person masculine (him/it) or it could be first person plural! For…

A Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit About Truth, Lies, and the In-Between

We’re back after a brief hiatus, with another Tuesday TorahTutors tidbit! Real Torah, from real TorahTutors sessions. A TorahTutors student learned this beautiful passage in the Midrash (Vayikra Rabbah 9:9): Chizkiyah said: Peace is great, for regarding [most] mitzvot, it is written “When you see [your enemy’s donkey struggling]…” (Shemot 23:4), “When you chance upon…

A Tuesday(ish) TorahTutors Tidbit About Trees and Bushes and More

In honor of Tu B’Shevat and, in America, Martin Luther King Junior Day, we’ll make this a pre-Tuesday TorahTutors tidbit: real Torah, from real TorahTutors sessions. A TorahTutors student learned about the mitzvot of ma’aser: separating portions of produce for Leviim, poor people, and/or simply to eat oneself in Jerusalem. Different types of ma’aser are…

A Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit About Grammar and Resurrection of the Dead

A time-traveling Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit: Real Torah, from real TorahTutors sessions. A TorahTutors student studied some the Gemara’s many suggested Scriptural sources for the concept of the resurrection of the dead, and one of the texts cited is in this week’s Torah reading. The Gemara in Sanhedrin 91b quotes a baraita that states: Rabbi Meir…