With summer approaching (at least, in the northern hemisphere, where most of our students and tutors are located), we’re thinking about Rambam’s advice as to how one might achieve fulfillment of the mitzvah to love God: by contemplating “His commandments and sayings and actions, until we comprehend and take full pleasure in comprehending…” (Sefer Hamitzvot, positive commandment #3; see also Hilchot Yesodei HaTorah 4:12).
To put it (relatively) simply, studying both Torah (what God says) and the natural world (His deeds) leads to some degree of knowledge of Him, which is how we learn to love Him.
And as a TorahTutors student further learned, the type of love we’re aiming for is all-consuming, “as if one were lovesick…thinking constantly about his beloved, whether lying down or getting up, whether eating or drinking… The love of God is more than this…and all of Song of Songs is a metaphor for this” (Hilchot Teshuva 10:3).
We at TorahTutors are always happy to help with the Torah study part, and our flexibility means you can take your TorahTutors learning outside to bask in God’s beautiful world at the same time.
A #TuesdayTorahTutorsTidbit: Real Torah, from real TorahTutors sessions.