A small group of TorahTutors students finished off the last mishna in Brachot, including its interpretations of several clauses repeated multiple times in daily prayers (and found in this week’s Torah portion, Devarim 6:5).
This mishna raises a number of questions, from the textual to the theological. Some of the questions these students addressed with their tutor, through texts and discussion, included:
1. What does it mean to bless over the bad “just as” one blesses over the good?
2. Why is that required?
3. How does the mishna derive this idea from the words of the verse?
4. How can someone love God through their evil inclination?
5. What does it mean to love God “even if He takes your soul”?
There is so much to learn, and we’d love to explore it with you!
A Tuesday TorahTutors Tidbit: Real Torah, from real TorahTutors sessions.